Zlin Aviation new plans..

By last 14 September up to end of September a total of six new Savage planes were sold in different markets. Two Classic were sold in Norway, one Cub in Brasil, one Cub in Italy, one Bobber in France (another one will be delivered in this Country this month)  and one Cub in Spain. We are glad to report these informations just to let know to our potential customers or even to our regular ones how “things are going” at Zlin Aviation . A new Factory will be opened in Italy in October. A large one, capable to increase definitively the production process and reduce the delivery times, that are really our main problem today. Sure since we are even pilots, to get a plane delivered in one month would be a dream (when someone decide to buy a plane would like to get it just the day after…we know it). But sometimes this is not possible and the delivery time could become a problem for someone.On the other hand, a longer delivery time (few months we mean) is a symptom that the company has a list of orders and so is not out of work…More news asap about our plans.