Even considering that our plane missed two times the “white line” during landings, we can now share the final results of the VALDEZ 2017 STOL competition. We want to thank our customer/pilot (and again the Alaskan dealer), because even if he started to fly the plane just the day before the competition (to move the plane to Valdez from his base), he was able to show the Stol characteristics of the plane, performing the 3th shortest take off, of the whole fleet of partecipants (just 39ft). www.valdezflyin.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/2017-Valdez-STOL-Final-Results.pdf
For those who still don’t know the VALDEZ STOL competition, feel free to check this AOPA video with one our take off at minute 0:32 www.youtube.com/watch