Big success at AERO 2013!

Another successfull edition of AERO is over: 630 expositors and 33000 visitors made it again the most important European event in the light, sport and general aviation. We at Zlin Aviation got many compliments for our original “western style ranch” booth arrangement, that was always busy thanks to the amazing bushflying videos running all the time, and thanks to the original aircrafts displayed. Particularly a matt black full optional Bobber with the optional “Winter kit” and any kind of accessories, including a very unique aerographic artwork under the wing: this was for sure one of the most photographed aircrafts of the expo! We could reaffirm us as the reference point in the european Bush Flying scene, which is attracting more and more people, particularly because people are starting getting the essence what it is all about: big fun!

Despite the uncertainty of current times, our participation at AERO has been another success, and we at Zlin can announce some new dealerships under final negotiation for Dubai, Russia, Turkey and China. We look forward to see you at Oshkosh!