Aero 2015

We officially announce that Zlin Aviation sro, will not partecipate to AERO 2015 . We will partecipate to this exibition, “only” every two years. This proposition, was discussed in the past several times between different manufacturers, but has never been put in practice.Other very important companies will not be present at Aero 2015 and the reason is very simple : it is not possible and not desirable to introduce  every year new “models” in the market. In the past, AERO was biennial as you remember,  and it was simply perfect, creating less embarassment for the exibitors and more suspence for the public. Btw our German delaer will display his privat school for German customers, so if you will visit the exibition, you will have at least the chance to meet him and his planes. This is our “official position”  and we will respect it, for the next years.