Join Zlin Aviation at Cielo e Volo and Taildragger Meeting!

A really busy weekend is in front of us! We will officially attend Cielo e Volo 2013, the biggest open air aviation meeting in Italy, the 15th and 16th of June 2013, where our new CUB-S will be presented. At the same venue, we just have presented our RC Models last weekend at the RC Model Expo 2013, with great success, you can see some pictures here.

Saturday 15 June, you can also see several Savage Aircrafts in the bushflying school Scuola Volo Brescia (Airfield Torbole Casaglia), which organizes the Taildragger Meeting 2013. Do not miss the bushflying displays at 11:00 and 14:00! More details about the program can be found here.