First bushflying courses with Loni Habertsetzer

About 28 pilots (half in Germany and half in Italy) were present to the bushflying courses that we planned togheter with Loni Habertsetzer from Alaska. The impact and results were great. Loni was very professional and patient to reply to all the questions that were asked to him. He is really a professional bush pilot and people were absolutely concentrated for all the long day spent togheter.Approach to the ground, ground evaluation, equipments, bushwheels, , take off tecnique, approach tecnique, landing tecnique, most common mistakes, important rules for safety and off airports operations ,aicraft controls , gravel bars, soft field operations, steep slopes, high altitude operations, one way landing, off camber landing and more, were the arguments covered by these courses. Due to the big success we got, we will repeat these courses asap. Keep in touch. Take a look at the pics in the dowload area .
